vineri, 19 martie 2010

work and travel

After a talk with a friend tonight, I feel like there is an important thing to add.
The program in which I enrolled a lot of time is called:
"summer work and travel USA".
That's the name of the program, and not a company.
In Romania, there are several companies who deal with this kind of thing:
-Student Travel
-American Experience

Anything else... Sucks.
Convince yourselves and ask before you enroll in a program.

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

hey,trebuie sa iti multumesc.mi-ai lamrit multe intrebari pe care le aveam in legatura cu usa.t

Anonim spunea...

ar fi intresant sa faci o sectiune cu partea ce sa mergi/unde sa stai?